QR Codes are popping up all over the place, and you can expect to see them almost EVERYWHERE in just a few short years! Want to be on the cutting edge, and have your very own QR Code? It’s easy to do, and can be changed easily. It’s a win win.
Confused, and feel like I just started speaking a foreign language?Just check out the post I did last week on what a QR Code is, and how to read a QR Code!
There is even a quick video to make it super simple!
~How to make your own QR Code~
1) First, pick a service on the web like Kimtag or Kaywa. Kimtag, is good for making a code that shows where you are on the web – Twitter, Facebook etc. However, I find that kimtag produces a QR Code that is very hard for many QR Readers to read. My favorite is Kaywa. Feel free to try them both- or any number of other QR Code makers on the web!
2) Decide what it is you want readers of your QR Code to find. If it’s going to be on your business card, maybe you want it to direct them to your blog’s website? If you are putting it on your blog, then maybe it should go to a video of you welcoming them? Or maybe it directs readers to a link like About.Me.com that tells readers all the different ways to connect with you on the web. If you have an online business it would be super slick if your QR Code provided readers with a secret coupon code! The sky is the limit!
3) Now – just take the web address (or text or phone number etc…) of whatever it is you want your QR Code to bring readers to, and plug it into the QR Maker. In the case of Kaywa the box will look like this:
4) You can see I have the bubble filled in for URL. I would just paste my information link into the content box. Then select a size (Large, medium or small). The size refers to how physically big you want your QR Code to be.
5) Just hit “Generate” and be taken to your very own QR Code! The code will pop up, as well as html code you can use to embed it. It will look like this:
6) Just use the codes link to put your very own QR Code anywhere and everywhere you need it!
Wallllllahhhhhh!!!! Super easy, super cool:)
Interesting tutorial. I don’t think I’m ready to dip into this stuff quite yet!
@varunner7, And that is TOTALLY ok! Honestly your ahead of most people by just knowing what QR Codes are! But they will be everywhere pretty soon…so I figure might as well acquainte
I don’t think I am ready for this yet. It seems so out there and yet it is everywhere.
@JDaniel4’s Mom, I know! I was overwhelmed until I saw how easy they are to make and use- WAY simpler than blogging! I feel the same though…I see them EVERYWHERE now!
wow! great info! So you’ve made one for your blog? Where will you put it? I’m askign these questions and I haven’t gone over to the other posts yet. =)
@The Activity Mom, I do! I have a QR code on the lower right of my blog if you scroll down:)
At first it went to a welcome video, but I’ve since changed it to a page that has all my social network links in one place. I’m not sure if anyone is using it…but in case I wanna keep it changing and fun!
It takes like 2.2 seconds to do- super easy:)
I want to use QR Codes to put on the back label of my products with a link to specific url. Though the site is not yet ready.
Is it possible to create your own QR codes, add them to the labels even if the web site is not yet ready? And when it’s ready make the link?
SQUEEL!!!! I first saw this when I started using my Starbucks Mobile and just never looked that much into it. I will be using it to link to my About.me profile. Yippee! I love you lady!
I have to admit, when I started seeing those little squares everywhere I just assumed it was a silly fad. I get it now. I will definitely be finding ways to use them! Especially now that I have a smart phone and can actually read them. Thanks for the info!! 🙂
Wow, I had no idea how easy it was to make one of these! Here I thought it was super elite and expensive!!
Great tutorial–I’ve been noticing these popping up everywhere, lately. (Stopping by from Mom Loop)
Very impressive!
I too am a little scared by these. However, I will know hwere to go when I need one. 🙂 Thanks for your hard work!
Great info, thanks for the insight!
Awesome! Thanks so much for the simple tutorial.
Ooh, I hadn’t thought of this. Great idea! For my next urban knitting project I will add a QR sticker that points to the blog post about it so that the people who are interested can get more info and maybe some inspiration to knit a little something around their neighborhood.
This is BEYOND cool. Thanks for sharing this. Find you from Tip Junkie. Hopen’ you vist my page.
That’s really handy – thanks!